WebSlinger: Site Promotion & Marketing!

W - Z {Search Engines and Directories:

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* C - F
* G - I
* J - L
* M - P
* Q - S
* T - V
* W - Z
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UK Search Engines!
Int. Search Engines!
Holloween Theme!
Pirate: "digging it" (animated.gif)!
1asp118.gif          1asp151.gif           search-engine.gif          1asp151.gif          1asp118.gif
(free) = No Cost!
($) = Paid Submission!
(M) Manual Submissions Only!
(?) = Link Works but Unsure of Service!
Note: = Additional Info that may be helpful!


  • W8: Submit (free) Note: Links!
  • WalHello: Submit (free) Note: Link Directory! [International]
  • WapTiger: Submit (free) Note: No clue as to what exactly this is!
  • WARP: Submit ($$$)
  • WebbieWorld: Submit (free) Note: not impressed!
  • WebBrains,the: Submit (free) Note: Must link back! (Directory)
  • WebSavvy: Note: Wasn't excepting URL's at this time!
  • WebSearchSubmit (free) Note: Australian/New Zealand
  • WebSquash: Submit (free) Note: EASY!
  • WebTrawler: (no) Part of: Open Directory Project!
  • WebWizGuide: Submit (free)
  • WebWorldIndex: (free) Note: Locate Catagory First! (bottom of page)
  • WhatsNu: (free) Note: Was Down for UpGrades!
  • What-U-Seek: (M) Submit Uncheck box, bottom of page, free submit!
  • Wotbox: ($) Submit  Minor new SE. Charges £1 per URL.
  • WorldHot: Submit (free) Note: Check first, may submit only once!
  • WorldSiteIndex: (free) Note: Find catagory first! (bottom of page)
  • wwwRiot: (free)Personal Note: Add individual Page Links!
  • wwwSearch: Submit (free)
  • Xavierseek: (free) Note: Easy, Indexes!
  • YahooSubmit (free) You must have a Yahoo account!
  • YellowPages: (free)
  • Yolah: Submit (free*) Must return link!
  • Yoodle: Submit (free) Note: Swiss
  • YuSearch: (free) Note: Seems Easy, had trouble linking though!
  • ZenSearch: (free) Easy!
  • 01webdirectory Notes: Links! VT-M = Index/alcapulco/cancun/cozumel
  • 1stDirectory: Submit (free) Note: Link Directory!
  • 1stSpot: Submit (free)
  • 123KHOJ: Submit (free) Note: Indian Link Directoty!
  • 4-every-1: (free) Directory: easy, but worth it?
  • search-logos.gif               counter-spin.gif               search-logos.gif

    ~ Search Engine & Directory Index ~
    A-B ~ C-F ~ G-I ~ J-L ~ M-P ~ Q-S ~ T-V ~ W-End

    Submission to over 3000 Search Engines and Directories
    Monthly Re-Submissions with Email Reporting for One Year
    Personal Control Panel for Stats & Analysis of your Website
    Search Engine Simulator and in Depth Web Page Analyzer
    Track Search Engine Rankings & your Internet Link Popularity
    Compare your Website to your Competitors & More!

    WebCactusSubmit (free) Note: Easy! [check]
    WebCMN: (free) Note: Directrory, Find Category 1st!
    WebGeezer: (free) Note: Find category 1st!
    WebKnotSubmit (free) Note: [check]
    WebMasterFind: Submit (free) Note: WebResources Prefered!
    WebMasterOffice: Submit (free) Note:
    WebSiteListingSubmit (free) Note:
    Webs411: (free) Note: Business Directory, Membership! [member]

    WeDoo: (free) Note: Editable Links, Membership! [member]
    Where2GoSubmit (free) Note: Editable Links! [vt-m]
    WhyBidMore: antiques and collectibles auction, shopping directory.
    WillGoTo: (free) Note: Find Category First!
    wwTravelSource: ($) Travel
    WWWomen : Submit (free) Note:
    WorldDirectory: (free) Link exchange.
    WowDirectory: Note:
    YahooCanada UK/Ireland (free) Note:
    Yahooligans: Submit (free) Note: Yahoo for Kids!
    YPages: (free) Note:
    Yeandi: (free) Note: Find Category 1st!
    Zeal: (free) Note: Membership required, eMail Verify!
    Zugbo: ($$$) Note: Pay Per Click!
    ZetBot: Submit (free) Note: Easy, French/English Search Engine!
    Zeezo: Submit (free) Check Back - mexico
    YooFindIt: (free) Find category first! Must LinkBack!
    Yozzi: (free) Note: Must Register first!  Well Listed!



    111Travel: ($$$) Note: Travel Related Sites!
    12Noon: (?) Forums!

    Free Satellite TV!



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    8x8, Inc.

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