WebSlinger: Site Promotion & Marketing!

M - P {Search Engines and Directories:

(US) Marketing
(UK) Marketing
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* C - F
* G - I
* J - L
* M - P
* Q - S
* T - V
* W - Z
More: S.E.'s
UK Search Engines!
Int. Search Engines!
Holloween Theme!
Pirate: "digging it" (animated.gif)!
1asp118.gif          1asp151.gif           search-engine.gif          1asp151.gif          1asp118.gif
(free) = No Cost!
($) = Paid Submission!
(M) Manual Submissions Only!
(?) = Link Works but Unsure of Service!
Note: = Additional Info that may be helpful!


  • MadeInUSA: Note: For manufacturers of American-made products!
  • MagicYellow: Submit (free) Note: yellow pages for businesses!
  • Mangacenter: Submit (free) Note: International/Languages!
  • MapPlanet: (free) Note: Membership, 'Geographic S.E.!  [member]
  • Maryland: Note: Maryland Intrest!
  • MassiveLinks: Note: Directory, select cat. 1st!
  • MasterSite: ($)
  • Mavica: (free) Note: Locate Catagory First!
  • MexSearch: (Yellow Pages) Submit: (free) Note: Mexico!
  • MidWestShopper: (free) Note: For US Business with Website!
  • MixCat: (free) Note: Easy!
  • Moodule: (M)  New search engine, dmoz-style! Suspended Free?
  • Moshix2: Submit (free) Note: US - Japan web Directory!
  • Moteurderecherche: ($) French-based, multilingual search engine!
  • MSNSearch: (free) This is a Must Submit!
  • MWUSA Search: Submit (free) Easy, Spiders!
  • MyProwler: Submit (free) Note: Easy!
  • NationalBusinessWebDirectory: (free) Note: Find cat,  'Submit  Site', up r.!
  • NationalDirectory: (M) Search Engine/index part is by Open Directory.
  • NerdWorld: (?) It Certainly Is! Must register for account first.
  • Netexposure ($$$) Note: Australian! Select catagory First!
  • NetInsert: (free) Note: Find category 1st!
  • NetNose: Submit (free)
  • NetSearch: Submit (free) Note: must create account first!
  • NewMalasia: (free) Note: Malasia!
  • NewWebStuff: Submit (free) Note: Links!
  • ObjectsDirectory: ($$$)
  • ObjectsSearch: Submit (free) Note: Easy, Spiders Site!
  • OfficialSearch: Submit (free) Note: Link Directory!
  • OnAMission: (free) Note: Need to Register first!
  • OneBusinessPlace[OBP]: Submit (free) Note:
  • OneSeek: (free) Submit But does it list? Need to Check!
  • OnLineMarketingLinks: Submit (free) Note:
  • ooBdoo: Submit (free) Note:
  • OpenHere: submit (free) Note:
  • 0pn: Submit (free) Note: Should have Domain Name!
  • Overture: ($) Submit  (formerly Goto.com)  "pay-for-clicks" system!
  • PhatLinks: (free)  Note: Go to Directory, then Add Link! (eMail verify)
  • Phatoz: (?) Note: didn't like! NEVER AGAIN!
  • PeekABoo: (free) Note: Find cat., click: 'Add Url'!
  • PHONE-SOFT: (???)
  • PleaseRetrieve: Submit (free) Note: haven't tried yet, but seems OK!
  • pMonkey: (free) Submit Note: Can Submit daily, Retains Links?
  • PointCom: Submit (free) Easy: Spidered, would like you to link back!
  • PrimFind: Note: ReLaunch in '06, UK S.E.!
  • PryCise: Note: I didn't understand this one!
  • search-logos.gif               counter-spin.gif               search-logos.gif

    ~ Search Engine & Directory Index ~
    A-B ~ C-F ~ G-I ~ J-L M-P ~ Q-S ~ T-V ~ W-End

    Submission to over 3000 Search Engines and Directories
    Monthly Re-Submissions with Email Reporting for One Year
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    MadeInUSA Submit: Note: Haven't tried yet!
    MallOnTheNet: Submit: (free) Note:
    OneBigDirectory: Note: [member]
    OnlyWebmasters: (free) Note:
    OutdoorLodge: Submit (free) Note:
    PlugItInNow: (free) note: Not Currently Accepting URL's!
    PlanetRider: (free) Note: Travel -"Submission Comming Soon"!
    ProGar: For Sale?
    PromotionDir: (free) Note: Webmaster Directory.

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