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G - I {Search Engines and Directories:

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UK Search Engines!
Int. Search Engines!
Holloween Theme!
Pirate: "digging it" (animated.gif)!
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(free) = No Cost!
($) = Paid Submission!
(M) Manual Submissions Only!
(?) = Link Works but Unsure of Service!
Note: = Additional Info that may be helpful!


  • GamblingSeek: Submit (free) Note: Gambling!
  • Gasta ($$$) Note: Global, mostly UK!
  • GastaUK: Submit (free) Note: haven't tried yet!
  • GeniusFind: Submit (free) Note: Need to Check Back!
  • Gigablast: Submit (free) Note: Spiders!
  • Gimpsy: Submit (free)  Note:
  • Globe Search: ($$$) Note: Pay for Click/Free $10.00!
  • GoGuides: Submit (free) Note: Business's Only!
  • Google: Submit (free) A must submit!
  • Go4It: Submit (free) Note: Site Directory!
  • Go-there: (?) Note: I didn't bother!
  • GreenStalk: (free) Note: Web Directory, Find Cat. 1st!
  • GuideBeam: (free) Note: Down at this time, check back!
  • HEDir: (free) Note: Top/Left:"Add Resource"(May UpLoad Image)
  • HobbyLineSubmit (free) Note: Internet Directory, OK!
  • HolidayBank: Submit (free) Note: Travel Only!
  • HomeBusinessNetwork: (free) Note: Home Business sites!
  • HomerWeb: Submit (free)  Note: Must link back!
  • HotLaunch: Submit (free) Note: Haven't tried yet!
  • HotVsNotWebDirectory: Note: find cat./click "Submit Site" link/top page!
  • Howz@t International: Submit (free) Australian/International 
  • HumorSeek: Submit (free) Note: I haven't used!
  • HyeGuideSubmit (free) Note: Armenian Link Engine!
  • IdeaCafe: (free) Note: Register then confirm via eMail! {member]
  • IDoFind: ($$$) Note: Pay Per click search engine!
  • Iguana: Submit (free) Note: About Mexico!
  • IllumiRate: Submit (free) Note: Locate Catagory First!
  • iMegaMall: Submit (free) Note: Need to Check Back!
  • IndexVermont: (free) Note: info on Vermont, USA! Click: "Add URL"
  • IndiaSpider: (free) Note: India!
  • inFignos: (free) Note: Find Cat., Click 'Submit Link', bottom!
  • InfoGrid: Submit (free
  • InfoHubSubmit (free) Note: Travel Realed Only!
  • InfoListings: (free) Note: Find Cat/Click "Add A Site"!
  • InfoPlaces: (free) Note: Find Category first!
  • InfoProbe: (free) Submit
  • InfoRima: Submit (free) Note: Relations with foreign companies!
  • InfoTiger: Submit (free) Note: Easy, must submit each page!
  • Inktomi: ($) Note: Inktomi no longer free!
  • IntelSeek: Submit (free) Note: I have many page links here!
  • InterChange: Submit (free) Note: "ooBdoo" Link Directory!
  • Internet Cruiser: Submit (free) Note: YUGOSLAV Sites!
  • Internet Book: (free) Note: Must Register, requires CREDIT INFO!
  • IrelandInfo: Submit (free) Note: Ireland!
  • ISEDB: Note: Internet Search Engine Database! [???]
  • iStartHere: ($$$) Note: Didn't Get Involved With!
  • ISEDB: (free) Note: "Basic Submission" link, bottom of page!
  • iTravel: (free) Note: Travel Related Only, Must Link Back!
  • search-logos.gif               counter-spin.gif               search-logos.gif

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